12 Mindful Affirmations To Remind Yourself That You’re Still A Great Parent

Are you a parent who can be really tough on yourself and sometimes needs reminding that you’re actually doing a great job with your children?

The physiological benefits of positive self-talk are well documented, so remember this applies to parenting too, even in its most challenging moments. So read on for some mindful affirmations to remind yourself that you’re still a great parent whatever is happening!

1. “I Am Good Enough.”

Stuart Smalley  – Saturday Night Live (1990s)

Whether you’re new to the parenting journey or have several children, babies and toddlers are never predictable. There’s always a learning curve, and what worked yesterday may not work today. But trust yourself –  you’ve got this. It won’t be perfect, but it doesn’t matter. 

2. “We Got Through Today.”

You survived, right? It may not have been perfect but your baby or child got fed, was cuddled, and had a sleep. Here at Happity we remember a dad saying, ‘you might not have done X – but look how happy he is!’

It’s enough – even if you feel you muddled through today. 

3. “There’s Always Tomorrow.”

There’s Always Tomorrow – 1929 novel by Ursula Parrott

Readjust your expectations when you have a new baby. Particularly if you have an older child as well. Just getting to school/nursery/a baby group/out of the house is a win-win. And in the early days, you may get very little done at all. Keep readjusting your expectations as your baby moves into toddlerhood and beyond. 

4. “This Too Shall Pass.”

13th century Persia

Your baby/child is always in a growth spurt, right? Whether it’s teething or just growing, remember that what can feel like a month can actually pass in a few days – or even less. Here at Happity we understand  the first jabs, the pain relief and the non-stop teething. Sometimes you just want to cuddle up on the sofa with your little one, and that’s perfectly fine.

5. “Children Remember The Time They Spend With You, Not The Amount Of Money You Spend On Them.”

“In the end, kids won’t remember that fancy toy or game you bought for them. They will remember the time you spent with them.” – Kevin Heath (b1950)

Think back to your childhood days. What’s the happiest, most fun memory you can remember? We bet it’s not the clothing you wore, or exactly what you got for your 3rd birthday. Here at Happity some of our most cherished memories are running round in the park with friends and cousins, playing cricket and rounders with the grown-ups as well. And family holidays where we just spent time together.

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So try not to feel guilty if you don’t want to splash out on the latest gear or toy. Just being there for and with your child is enough. 

6. “I’ll Take The Small Wins.”

“Celebrate the small wins.”-  various, including psychologist Charles Snyder (1944-2006)

Perhaps your toddler tipped a whole bowl of cereal, milk and all, on the floor today. Maybe your baby threw up on you. But then later on you had a moment where your toddler was cuddling you as you read a story together, and your baby gave their first smile.

So as you’re sitting there among the dirty nappies, discarded clothes and general mess, remember there are also moments where it all feels worth it! If you want a good read about the highs and lows of parenting, try The Unmumsy Mum. We’ll guarantee you find something hilarious that totally resonates with you.

7. “A Messy Home Is Full Of Love.”

Here at Happity we also love this letter from a health visitor to a new mum. It’s so reassuring to know that professionals see the love and care for a new baby, not the pile of clothes in the corner!

8. “The Washing And Tidying Can Wait. My Baby/Children Can’t.”

“Cleaning and scrubbing can wait til tomorrow, for babies grow up, we’ve learned to our sorrow.” – Ruth Hulbert Hamilton (1958 poem)

Sometimes parents can be so determined to ‘get something done’, that they’ll focus all their energy on one area of the house, only for another to be rapidly getting out of hand where the children are. Why not be kind to yourself and set a 10-minute timer to blitz the most pressing jobs? Then kick back with the children? After all, you might look back at your day and wonder why you didn’t spend much time with them. And if you’re more ‘present’ with your children where they are playing, you’ll probably find you can keep more of a handle on the mess.

If a job is really bugging you, setting your toddler to ‘work’ alongside you can be a good strategy. Sure, it may take longer, but your toddler might learn how to sort clothes, put away their toys, or pair socks. 

9. “It’s ‘Good Enough’ – It Doesn’t Need To Be Perfect.”

Various, including pediatrician Donald Winnicott (1896-1971)

I think we’d all agree that ‘done’ is better than ‘not done’. If you’re a perfectionist, it can be hard to let go. Giving yourself permission to do things ‘well enough’ rather than to your highest standards can actually be really freeing. 

10. “There’s No Such Thing As The Wrong Weather, Only The Wrong Clothing.”

“There’s no such thing as bad weather, only the wrong kind of clothing.” Alfred Wainwright (1973), based on a German idiom (1874) attributed to Heinrich Simon

It’s amazing how getting out in nature can have a calming effect on us and our children. Babies will happily snooze in their pram under the shade of trees, while all that toddler energy gets channelled into stomping through leaves and mud. 

See also  20 Easy Songs To Sing To Your Baby (That Anyone Can Sing)

So feel confident to get out and about outside whatever the weather. Just dress your children in waterproofs, thermals and/or appropriate boots. Check out our all-weather guide to outdoor clothing here.

There are loads of nature classes and outdoor forest school toddler groups that run through the winter too if you want a more structured approach.

11. “My Children Are Fed, Clean, Safe And Happy.”

Of course they are – and that’s all that matters. 

Remember it’s also OK to say ‘no’ to other people who are asking for your time – whether this is for a playdate, outing, visit or other commitment. Prioritising you and your family’s needs, health and time is absolutely OK. So no need to feel guilty if a sofa day or or a chilled afternoon playing is actually what you all need.

12. “It’s About The Journey, Not The Destination.”

“It’s not the destination, it’s the journey.” – attributed to American philosopher Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882)

Wouldn’t life be dull if everything went smoothly from A to B? Focus too much on the destination and you miss all the fun stuff in between. So embrace the dirty nappies, the snot, the mess and the emotions of your children. There’ll be plenty of laughs and giggles to get you through, even in the hardest of times. Sometimes it’s all about the ride.

Where Else Can I Find Some Mindful Affirmations About Parenting?

The Bump has a whole list of positive parenting affirmations, as well some to use in more challenging moments. Here at Happity we love ones like “I’m doing the best I can for my family, and it’s enough”, “Today is a new day for our family”, “My child is not giving me a hard time, they are having a hard time, and I can help” and ““My child and I are learning as we go.”

Summer Shores also has some daily affirmations for gentle parenting.

Want to get out and about, have fun with your baby or toddler, and meet other parents?

Search Happity to find everything that’s happening for the under-5s in your local area – from music and singing classes, to messy play, arts and crafts, baby massage, gymnastics and more. Simply enter your postcode and child’s age to search, and then book your spot in a few taps. Enjoy dedicated fun time with your little one, watch their skills develop, and make friends at the same time. Mums, dads, grandparents and carers will all find something to love!

Find a class today!

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Liz Melnyczuk

Liz Melnyczuk

Happity's Content Marketing Assistant. Liz is passionate about raising awareness of postnatal health for both mums and babies, particularly around feeding issues, mastitis and abdominal separation. When not blogging, she can be found running, walking or camping with her family - and drinking a good cup of Yorkshire tea.