8 Mindful Reminders For Parents Who Love Scrolling On Social Media

Are you a big fan of Instagram or Tiktok but sometimes need a reminder to take a reality check? We all know that scrolling through reels and posts can be fun, but if you’re finding it’s beginning to affect your mood or day-to-day life as a parent, perhaps it’s time to take a step back. So check out our mindful reminders for next time you’re scrolling through social media. 

Six Mindful Reminders If You’re Actively Wanting To Scroll Through Social Media:

1. I’m Looking For X, Y or Z

Try and be mindful in the way you use Instagram and Tiktok. If you’re looking for something specific (maybe a funny parenting meme or piece of parenting advice), try and stick to it (hard, we know). If you can’t, set a timer, or a wellbeing control on your phone that limits your social media use. Try the Digital Wellbeing app for Android or Attentive for iPhone and Apple devices. 

Try Janet Lansbury for parenting advice or Parenting Memes for some funny realities.

2. What We See On Screen Isn’t ‘Real’

We’ve all done it. Set up the ‘perfect’ shot of our house or children by angling the camera away from anything we don’t want to appear on screen. Step out of shot and you’ll probably find that large washing pile, stacks of baby toys and books and crumbs that have been kicked under the counter. Remember what you see online is only a small part of actual ‘real life’.

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Unless you live in a showhome or have a cleaner everyday, it’s unlikely that what you see on screen is what you would actually get if you were round there in person.

Remember this meme from a few years ago? Exactly that.

3. I Value Who And What I Have In My Life Already

Remember there’s no need to scroll or post constantly for validation from others who aren’t your closest friends and family (and actually may be strangers). Take everything you see online with a pinch of salt, and remember people are showing you what they want you to see about their life and family life. 

We can all post holiday shots which make our life look absolutely fantastic. But for every ‘picture-perfect’ moment, there are probably ten more that didn’t make the cut. And photos can be edited nowadays to make them look even better. Trends come and go, but your family is yours for keeps. 

Here’s a realistic mum vlogger for you to check out.

4. We All Have Good Days And Bad Days

Life is never predictable, perfect or the same when you have children – and that’s the beauty of it. Give yourself a break and remember what you’re seeing online is probably the best of the ‘good days’. Mess is OK and a ‘good enough’ day is also OK.

Check out our post on mindful affirmations for more positive things you can say to boost your mood as a parent and @talesofasecondtimemum for parenting inspiration.

5. My Child Will Learn At Their Own Pace

No two children are the same. So try to resist the urge to compare your children with the reels and posts you see online. Chances are the parent caught a funny moment. Either that or the parent is probably filming a well-established party trick! 

6. It’s Just A Bit Of Fun

Of course there are influencers out there who make a living from their TikTok reels or Instagram post and they may be trying to promote a lifestyle, brand or product. But for the majority of us parents, social media should and can be fun. Try and find posts and reels which align with your beliefs, needs and make you feel good as a parent. Steer away from the negative, ‘fake news’ and posts which make you question your parenting style.

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Check out some of our TikTok reels and Instagram posts which celebrate life as a parent. 

Two Mindful Reminders For Parents If You’re Not Really Sure You Want To Keep Scrolling Through Social Media:

1. What Would I Rather Be Doing?

Ask yourself this question from time to time as you’re scrolling. If the answer is ‘scrolling’, then keep scrolling! But if the answer is read a book/go for a walk/play with my kids, then time to close down those screens and go for it! Or maybe check out some more of our parenting, wellbeing or activity blogs right here on Happity. 

2. I Can Take A Break

If you feel your social media habits are affecting your family life, try and set a few boundaries for yourself and when you’re around your children. These can be a few simple rules such as no phones at mealtimes and having dedicated times when you put your phone away to focus on what’s going on around you. Turn off notifications (they can be very distracting) and set digital wellbeing timers. 

Want to get out and about, have fun with your baby or toddler, and meet other parents?

Search Happity to find everything that’s happening for the under-5s in your local area – from music and singing classes, to messy play, arts and crafts, baby massage, gymnastics and more. Simply enter your postcode and child’s age to search, and then book your spot in a few taps. Enjoy dedicated fun time with your little one, watch their skills develop, and make friends at the same time. Mums, dads, grandparents and carers will all find something to love!

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Liz Melnyczuk

Liz Melnyczuk

Happity's Content Marketing Assistant. Liz is passionate about raising awareness of postnatal health for both mums and babies, particularly around feeding issues, mastitis and abdominal separation. When not blogging, she can be found running, walking or camping with her family - and drinking a good cup of Yorkshire tea.