Moving house is a huge life event for both adults and children. If you are moving house with a toddler, you may be wondering how to make this transition as smooth as possible. Read on to find our tips!
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How Do I Tell My Toddler About Moving House?

It’s a good idea to talk to your toddler about what will happen, even if they are too young to understand. There are some really good picture books that can help toddlers to understand, such as Usborne’s First Experiences: Moving House by Anne Civardi, or Moving Day! (Helping Hands) by Jess Stockham. These show moving in a positive and fun way.
Show them pictures of the new house, and tell them all about it. Focus on the fun things near the new house. Are they closer to a park? Nearer grandparents?
Will Moving House Affect My Toddler?

Change at any age can be unsettling, but there is always a way to minimise the stress that change brings. Whatever the reason for your move, try to stay calm and positive about the move when talking about it to your toddler, even if you are feeling anxious yourself. If they see you’re excited, they are more likely to see this as a positive change.
Keep to your routine during and after the move. It is good to try and keep bedtime and mealtimes as familiar as possible so they can see that not everything is changing. Tell them about the things that are staying the same: they will still have their toys, and if you are using the same bed or other furniture let them know. Also if all of their family members who they currently live with, such as parents and siblings, are moving too, make that clear so they know the change is not just for them.
How Long Does It Take For A Toddler To Adjust To A New House?

The adjustment time can depend on how big a change the move was, if you have relocated completely or just moved to a house in the same town. It will also depend on the toddler’s age. Older toddlers will have more of an understanding, so will be able to ask questions, while younger toddlers may be more accepting. All toddlers are different, and you know your child best. Make sure they know they are loved and that not everything is changing.
Top Tips:
- On the lead up to the move and move day itself, have a bag of their special things (such as favourite toys, mussies, or even favourite outfits) separate so you have this to hand.
- Include and involve them, tell them about the process. Maybe they have had friends or family who have moved before, who can tell them about how it works.
- Focus on the positive bits of how fun it will be to have a new house. If they do have specific worries or are just feeling uncertain, tell them this is normal and talk through it in a way they can understand.
- Unpack familiar things first so they can see they still have their toys and furniture etc.
- Keep to routine to give a feeling of consistency.
- Get as much help with packing as possible- some firms will pack up your belongings for you.
- If it is an option, let your child/children pick their own room.
We hope these tips will help make the change as easy as possible for you and your family. Although moving is a big change, focusing on the fun new things about their new house or new area will make it easier for everyone.
If you are looking to make new friends, for you and your little one, try looking for baby or toddler classes near your new house. New friends will make all of the difference! Search Happity for classes near you.
Want to get out and about, have fun with your baby or toddler, and meet other parents?
Search Happity to find everything that’s happening for the under-5’s in your local area – from music and singing classes, to messy play, arts and crafts, baby massage, gymnastics and more. Simply enter your postcode and child’s age to search, and then book your spot in a few taps. Enjoy dedicated fun time with your little one, watch their skills develop, and make friends at the same time. Mums, dads, grandparents and carers will all find something to love!
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