Returning to work after maternity leave is a significant milestone for every new parent. While it can be an exciting time reconnecting with colleagues and getting back into the workplace, it also comes with its fair share of challenges. What if your baby isn’t sleeping well at night yet? You may be feeling anxious at the thought of returning to work and wondering how on earth you will cope with the demands of the workplace when you’re feeling so sleep-deprived. Michelle Brown from the Baby Sleep Experts shares her tips!
As a parent who has been through this journey myself, I understand the challenges you’re facing. Also, as a sleep coach, I speak to a lot of Mums who are dreading their maternity leave coming to an end, so I’ve put together some helpful advice and practical tips to help you navigate your first few weeks back at work after maternity leave.

1. Take Regular Breaks
It’s easy to put your own needs on the back burner when you’re focused on caring for your baby and getting all your work done. Plan in short breaks throughout the day when you are at work to recharge and help you to concentrate. You may be surprised to hear that the most reliable way to recharge throughout the day isn’t caffeine but to get moving. Going for a short walk outside in the daylight whenever you feel sleepy will help you feel more alert and help to regulate your circadian rhythm. Being active will also give you a boost by enhancing your circulation and releasing endorphins. However, if you fancy a coffee after your walk then head to our delicious coffee partner PACT coffee and claim a free cafetière all for yourself when using the code HAPPITYCAF24 !
2. Prioritise Your Own Sleep
If your baby is not sleeping well, it’s important that you get as much sleep as possible yourself. Whilst it may feel boring, prioritise sleep whenever you can, especially in the first few weeks back at work. Create a calming environment in the evenings, limit screen time before bed, and aim for a consistent sleep schedule. Go for the early bedtime and if possible, ask a partner to share nighttime responsibilities. Perhaps your partner could help with any wakes for the first part of the night to allow you to catch up on sleep. You will know what works best for your family but please don’t do this alone.
3. Communicate With Your Employer
Be open and honest with your employer about your situation. Discuss any flexibility options available, such as adjusting your work hours or working from home occasionally. Many employers are understanding of the challenges faced by working parents and may be willing to accommodate your needs.

4. Manage Expectations
As a new parent, it’s essential to recognise your limitations and avoid taking on too much at once. Be realistic about what you can accomplish in a day. Prioritise tasks and focus on completing the most important ones first. Remember, it’s okay to ask for extensions or delegate tasks when needed. Going back to work can be physically and mentally exhausting, especially if you are not getting a good night’s sleep. Consider arranging things at home to minimise the pressure including not planning much for the weekend.
5. Be Kind To Yourself
Returning to work after maternity leave is a major life transition, and it’s normal to experience a range of emotions, including guilt, anxiety, and overwhelm. Be kind to yourself and acknowledge that it’s okay to struggle at times. Celebrate your accomplishments, no matter how small, and remember that you’re doing the best you can. Even though you may feel as though you’re being pulled in lots of different direction, it’s important to grab some time to yourself to relax at least once or twice a week. Perhaps this could be taking a proper lunch break and going to a nice café or going for a lunchtime swim. Remember that working mums need treats and returning to work shouldn’t be a continuous grind.
6. Seek Professional Help If Needed
I know from my own experience and helping hundreds of Mums returning to work that lack of sleep becomes more of an issue when you are balancing the demands of motherhood with the responsibilities of the workplace. Desperation may be kicking in and you might find yourself questioning whether your child will ever sleep well and wondering what you are doing wrong. I personally have been in that place and am only too aware of how frustrating and hard it is. Please let me reassure you that it’s not your fault and the good news is that there are so many ways you can improve your little one’s sleep without resorting to cry-it-out methods. Overcoming your sleep challenges is so much easier when you have expert supporting guidance alongside you so don’t be afraid to reach out and ask for help.
Thanks to Michelle- The Baby Sleep Experts
Returning to work after maternity leave can be a challenging time. Life becomes a lot busier overnight when you still have all your household responsibilities, but you also have to meet the demands of retuning to your job AND get an extra little person out in the morning. It may feel overwhelming at first, but I’m sure that following these tips will help your return to work after maternity leave go as smooth as possible.
Check out Michelle’s website today

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