Morning sickness. Who decided to call it that? For many it’s more like morning, noon and night sickness! If you suffer it can be pretty miserable. Which is why we’ve put together some morning sickness remedies that mums-to-be swear that work.
We don’t claim to be doctors or medical professionals (and we don’t necessarily swear by these ourselves!) -but we know how desperate it can feel trying to get the nausea to go. If you’re dealing with morning sickness right now then it’s worth trying out a few of these remedies to see if they work for you.
1. Ginger – the king of morning sickness remedies

Ginger has long been known for it’s settling effect on dodgy tums. You can take ginger in a number of ways. Like ginger tea. Ginger capsules and ginger bars. Or try nibbling ginger biscuits.
2. Wrist bands – when your tummy feels ‘all at sea’

Those sea sickness wrist bands that you wear when travelling (like Sea Bands) can also help ease nausea in pregnancy and many mums swear by them. They work by applying acupressure to key points on your wrist. They are safe and have no side effects. So – if you’re feeling queasy in pregnancy – they might be worth a go.
3. Nibbling plain food little and often

Nibbling plain foods – like crackers or water biscuits can help ward off nausea in pregnancy. You can try keeping crackers by your bedside and nibbling after you wake up and perhaps before you sleep. Eating plainer foods little and often can really help with morning sickness.
4. Unexpected morning sickness remedies: drink flat cola

Kate Middleton swore by it for her pregnancy sickness. And so many other mums say it helps. There’s science behind why sipping flat cola helps soothe nausea…
5. Acupuncture

More and more, people are turning to Acupuncture as a source of relieving various pains throughout the body. Including those who struggle with Morning sickness! If you’re curious (and you aren’t too squeamish about needles) then it could be worth a try.
6. Vitamin B6

Here’s an over the counter or Holland and Barret remedy that could help you with your nausea. According to, “Some studies show that women who have severe morning sickness have lower levels of vitamin B6 in their blood. This may be why for many mums-to-be who are severely sick in pregnancy, taking a B6 supplement seems to ease their symptoms. However, it doesn’t always help to prevent vomiting.” Read more of what they have to say here.
7. Roll on some sick stop!

Here’s a spot we’ve come across in our browsing (with some promising reviews too!) Simply roll this stick under your nose (with scents like ginger, spearmint, peppermint, benzoin and lavender) and fingers crossed your morning sickness should start to ease up. (Note: We’re not sponsored by Blended Therapies, we just thought this product might help some mums-to-be!)
What do you think of our list? Are there any on here that you’ve tried before? Or any that we’ve missed out?
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