Offering baby and toddler yoga and massage

What Content Calm Cubs says

Content Calm Cubs offers 6 week courses of Baby Massage, Baby Yoga, Toddler Yoga classes &Coffee club


'm Catherine 👋 I have been an early years practitioner for over 12 years and am qualified as a baby massage, baby yoga and toddler yoga instructor. I also hold a full DBS check, paediatric and outdoor first aid and a food hygiene certificate.
As well as running Content Calm Cubs I also work part time in a pre school as well as being a sole parent to my 9 year old daughter. I am not part of a big franchise offering classes around the country, it's simply just me!
I set up Content Calm Cubs to give parents the unique skills the classes offer and to enhance those special bonds.
My classes are completely child led and relaxing and focus on you and your child.
My baby massage classes give you the chance to slowly build up the massage over the term and teach you the skills to be able to give your baby a full body massage. This can be built into part of your routine at home and be used for several years. There are so many benefits to baby massage including aiding development and communication, improving sleep, and helping with tummy/digestion and skin complaints and of course bonding with your baby, as well as many more!
My baby stretch and sing classes incorporate yoga inspired moves for both your and your baby, as well as singing, breathing techniques and sensory play. The classes are relaxed and focus on what your body will allow you to do. Again, the benefits are endless but include improves sleep, improved flexibility and muscle strength for both you and your baby, stimulates your baby's senses, aids crawling, walking and your baby's digestion, eases colic and other complaints and many others.
My toddler yoga classes are based around a popular childrens book each week. We practise yoga inspired moves whilst reading the story as well as singing, breathing techniques and sensory play. As with the baby classes, toddler yoga is completely child led and focuses on the children's ability to 'have a go'. Above all, we have fun! Benefits include helping with that continued bond and attachment, allieviates trapped wind and constipation, may reduce tantrums and improve sleep, develops balance, body and mind awareness and co-ordination, encourages socialising, teaches routine, structure and listening skills and helps with self esteem and confidence!
My Coffee Club is a very relaxed stay and play session suitable for all ages from small babies to preschoolers. Each week I provide a variety of different toys as well as at last 2 sensory/craft activities. And every adult receives a hot drink in a lidded cup too! It's the perfect way for your little one to have lots of fun without you needing to worry about the mess, and for you to meet other parents!

  • Catherine Harvey

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