Music & Dance for Children with additional needs or who experience disadvantage

What CreateED says

What is CreateED all about? CreateED is a provider of specialist music and dance opportunities for children and young people who have additional needs or who experience disadvantage. CreateED aims to support children and young people to thrive, taking into account their individual needs and challenges. All CreateED's provision includes the use of Makaton sign language, and functions as part of a progressive curriculum to ensure children and young people can reach their goals.


CreateED came about through founder and Executive Director Kath Borer's passion for engaging with children and young people who have a wide range of additional needs. Kath has (and continues to through Little Star) work as a community musician and dance expert across a wide variety of specialist educational and community-based settings.

Kath was motivated to set up a community interest company in order to meet an identified gap in the limited existing provision of specialist music and dance available to this cohort of children and young people.

Supported by the Board Members who have expert knowledge and experience of helping children from diverse and disadvantaged backgrounds, CreateED came to life.

Kath Borer


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