Parent Coaching, Parenting Courses and Workshops

What Finding Flow Parenting says

Finding Flow Parenting offers Workshops, parenting Courses, 1:1/ Co parent and group Coaching
Coaching is a space to get intentional about our parenting so that we can live richer family lives and with deeper connections. We look for what is alive for you right now and lean into the baggage that is no longer serving you. Attachment is at the basis of my approach; I help clients deepen their relationship to themselves so they can emotionally show up for their kids in secure attachment. We explore generational patterns that are holding you back from being the parent you imagined you would be I help clients develop their emotional intelligence by leaning into what’s happening in the parents body and nervous system when they are triggered. We work together to re-frame behaviours and strategise new approaches using information from the child's developmental stage/ age, their emotional literacy, understanding of nervous system science, neuroscience of behaviour, their felt sense of safety and their body budget. In coaching we learn how to get curious and ultimately after our time together you will be able to use the tools you have learnt to coach yourself and your children through tough moments.


I am an Empowered Parenting Coach and Breath Coach. I help parents to understand them selves and give them tools for regulation so that they can show up in genuine calm. I also do parenting courses, mothers circles and a nourishing stay and play for parents

  • Emily Hughes

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