Freestyle kickboxing mixed martial arts

What FKMMA says

We are a fully equipped gymnasium and martial arts dojo situated near Wolverhampton city centre. If you want to give your child the extra edge as they progress through their early years and see their confidence grow, we offer specialised classes that will help. Our aim is to teach children martial arts in a fun and engaging way whilst staying safe, fit and healthy. Classes provide a strong foundation to get the children familiar with martial arts techniques and how to perform them confidently and correctly. Our emphasis is always on instilling discipline and respect first and foremost.. So whether they are shy and quiet or loud and boisterous, instructors will assess all students on an individual basis and work with them in order to enable them to be better equipped mentally and physically. This helps develop their confidence and social skills in all areas of life. As they progress on their journey with us here at FKMMA, students have the opportunity to grade which gives them a focus and goal to aim for. FK-MMA is a safe and friendly environment. We have on-site parking and CCTV. Front doors are monitored and operate on a buzzer system only. Instructors are CRB checked and First Aid Qualified.



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