menopause, pregnancy, post-natal & Baby & Kids yoga

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What Flex Yoga Mcr says


Alexis of Flex Yoga Mcr has been practicing yoga for over 20 years & is 500 hrs trained with Yoga Alliance...

Starting in fitness yoga (as a qualified PT & nutritionist) she soon moved to train in hatha/vinyasa, yin, breath work, meditation & chakras. Alexis has trained in pre & post-natal training to safely take pregnant ladies & new mums through practice. Most recently she has trained in yoga for menopause designed to support women who are going through the menopause/peri-menopause period and learn about the hormonal changes that occur at this time.

The main flows will incorporate physical & fun aspects... along with the meditative side. Believing that your nutrition is an inclusive part of your mental health & wellbeing she also offers juice & soup detoxes delivered to your door or office!

Alexis Montastier

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