Our Withington and Didsbury groups run a weekly parents and toddlers group

What Grace Church Manchester Parents and Toddler Group says
Our Withington and Didsbury groups run a weekly parents and toddlers group for families in the Withington area in partnership with Withington Methodist Church. The group includes snack time, story & craft and a song time and is held at Withington Methodist Church on Mondays 10-11:30am. It costs £1 per child. For more information, email Aliya.
Our Withington and Didsbury groups run a weekly parents and toddlers group for families in the Withington area in partnership with Withington Methodist Church. The group includes snack time, story & craft and a song time and is held at Withington Methodist Church on Mondays 10-11:30am. It costs £1 per child. For more information, email Aliya.
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Mondays 10:00–11:30
0 months - 5 years
Term time only