Nurturing love and early bonds between babies and parents

What Mindful Miracles says

Mindful Miracles was carefully designed to give parents a moment to breathe, refocus and realign with themselves as they travel through the wild journey of parenthood. Classes help to give parents the opportunity to bond with their baby and take away lots of different fun techniques to use at home, supporting baby's development and helping them grow into well rounded and secure individuals.
Along with this, parents get the opportunity to meet others and a chance to make life-long friends in a non-judgemental space.

Currently you are able to book onto Baby Massage, Baby Yoga and Little Wrigglers- covering different areas of development until baby is walking, across 15 wonderful weeks.

Baby Massage (Suitable for 8 weeks to crawling)
Baby massage is practiced all around the world and the benefits of this are widely recognised. While bonding with baby you will support regular sleep cycles, relaxation, relief from symptoms of colic, teething and much more.

Baby Yoga (Suitable for 8 weeks to crawling)
Support your baby in developing their physical movements to help them move through their milestones as you practice various yoga-inspired movements. Build your strength, relax, breathe and stretch in a relaxing atmosphere, leaving you feeling calm, restored and connected to your baby.

Little Wrigglers
As your baby becomes more mobile, their need for stimulation grows too. During the little wrigglers session, your baby will experience magical story themed play, supporting their overall development in a fun atmosphere


My name is Kay, I have dedicated myself to a career in childcare for many years and have been in lots of different roles, from nursery management to training and assessing those developing a career in childcare. I have always been fascinated by child development and love supporting parents in their journey.

I decided to take the leap and start Mindful Miracles during maternity leave with my son, Dylan. I went to lots of baby classes and learnt how overwhelmed many parents felt. Learning about the benefits of massage & yoga, and adoring the bonding that came with the classes, I knew I had found my calling and wanted to go on to help other parents & babies too.

Kay James

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