What Nature Makers says

At Nature Makers, we journey through the seasons learning about nature and the environment through mindful art, making craft and outdoor play. Each session focuses on a nature theme that we use to inspire creative early years activities, and we finish with a related story or poem.

Sessions are tailored to help children explore the natural world and develop fine motor skills. As we care about our planet, all products used are natural, eco friendly, and we always repurpose plastics and source vegan where possible.


Hello, I’m Ruth, your Nature Makers Activity Provider for Coventry.

I live with my husband and our 3 eco-warrior primary school aged children in a house which is never quiet & usually has a pile of sticks collected from the woods in one corner, and wet paintings drying in another!

We love being outdoors- no matter what the weather- come rain or shine! As a family with neuro-divergent members, we have really benefited from the calm, enjoyment and wellbeing opportunities nature and art have brought to our lives.

I am an experienced teacher and have 20 years experience of teaching primary school children of all ages.
I have witnessed first hand the impact that nurturing a love of nature, creativity and just getting a bit muddy can have on children’s wellbeing and eco-awareness. I am extremely excited to own Nature Makers Coventry and I would love for you to join me soon!

Ruth Astley

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