Bring Your Baby London, Birmingham, Brighton, Oxford, Hitchin, Hastings, Worthing, Surrey, Kent banner Arts & Crafts



From the award-winning creator of 'Bring Your Baby Pub Quiz'

  • Thursdays 11:00–14:00

E8 1PE Graham Road, London, Greater London, E8 1PE

View directions
  • icon-calendar Event
  • icon-people 0 months - 2 years
  • icon-ticket Book with Happity
  • icon-cost £20.00
  • icon-location-small miles from

NB: This event MUST be booked in advance. No drop-ins.


Walk starts and ends: At the Graham Road entrance/exit of Hackney Central station.

With a stop after about an hour at Broadway Market, where you will be given about 45 minutes to change baby and find food and drink of your own choice before meeting back up with Sue (she will tell you exactly where and at what time).

You are welcome to bring friends and family who do not also have a baby.

This walk takes in the Broadway Market, London Fields and Hackney Central areas of Hackney.

Who you'll learn about:

Buzzing Broadway is our break stop on this walk that features the remarkable women of Hackney’s distant and not so distant past.

- The woman with rings on her fingers and bells on her toes and a plaque on Well Street.
- The woman who led strikes between the wars.
- ‘The King of Male Impersonators’.
- Where Indian nannies stayed when they were in London after a long sea voyage.
- The nuns who founded the much loved St Joseph’s Hospice.
- The site of the Barn where Mary Queen of Scots’s mother in law lived.
- Evidence of the wide influence that the Salvation Army had on women’s lives.
- Where women prisoners were given refuge. Including a headline grabbing cross dressing Victorian.
And - an artist’s enclave, squatters, radicals, performers at the Hackney Empire, groundbreaking politicians…..

Refunds or requests to move to a future event or date must be requested within 24 hours of the event commencing so that we can try to refill the space in adequate time.

Booking info & prices

Important notes: - Children are the responsibility of the parent or guardian, and must be monitored by them at all times. - Refunds or requests to move to a future event or date must be requested within 24 hours of the event commencing so that we can try to refill the space in adequate time. - On occasion we take photos or short video clips at our 'Bring Your Baby Pub Quizzes' or 'Bring Your Baby Guided London Walks'. By attending you are giving your permission for these to be used for Bring Your Baby Ltd promotional purposes. Any individual who we have taken a photograph of and published can request that any photographs are removed and deleted at any time. Even if they have given consent when booking according to our terms and conditions, they can of course withdraw their consent and can contact us at the email provided. - At 'Bring Your Baby Pub Quizzes', we understand that the parent or guardian will want to keep sleeping babies close to their table in baby carriers (including, for example: prams, buggies or car seats). However if babies are awake we reserve the right to ask the parent or guardian to move their baby carrier into a designated area of the venue to meet health and safety requirements (such as clear access to fire exits and clear walkways).

  • Adult ticket (children go free but each adult needs a ticket): £20.00
  • Additional adult without baby: £20.00

Booking info & prices

Important notes: - Children are the responsibility of the parent or guardian, and must be monitored by them at all times. - Refunds or requests to move to a future event or date must be requested within 24 hours of the event commencing so that we can try to refill the space in adequate time. - On occasion we take photos or short video clips at our 'Bring Your Baby Pub Quizzes' or 'Bring Your Baby Guided London Walks'. By attending you are giving your permission for these to be used for Bring Your Baby Ltd promotional purposes. Any individual who we have taken a photograph of and published can request that any photographs are removed and deleted at any time. Even if they have given consent when booking according to our terms and conditions, they can of course withdraw their consent and can contact us at the email provided. - At 'Bring Your Baby Pub Quizzes', we understand that the parent or guardian will want to keep sleeping babies close to their table in baby carriers (including, for example: prams, buggies or car seats). However if babies are awake we reserve the right to ask the parent or guardian to move their baby carrier into a designated area of the venue to meet health and safety requirements (such as clear access to fire exits and clear walkways).

  • Adult ticket (children go free but each adult needs a ticket): £20.00
  • Additional adult without baby: £20.00
Lucy Madison