


Come and celebrate Imbolc

  • Wednesdays 10:00–11:30

Henderson Hall Brecon, Powys, LD3 7YQ

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  • icon-calendar Event
  • icon-people 0 months - 12 months
  • icon-ticket Contact provider
  • icon-cost £10.00
  • icon-location-small miles from


Come and celebrate Imbolc - the halfway marker between the winter solstice (Yule) and the spring equinox (Ostara),with your baby & other local parents. Imbolc means ‘in the belly of the Mother’ as the seeds of spring begin to bud & bloom in the belly of Mother Earth so it’s a beautiful time to connect with your baby in nature and open up their world to the sensory rich experience of being outdoors surrounded by nature. A beautiful outdoor session communing with nature, featuring forest bathing, a gentle walk, eco therapy, relaxation, mindfulness moments, breath work and a tea ceremony to bring calm, peace, and a gentler, slower pace to your day. We will be enjoying some lovely festive nature activities including making a simple nature arrangement, baby footprint painting & there will be hot chocolate & mince pies! Suitable for babies from birth - around 18mths or still happy to be carried for a walk! Siblings, co-parents and toddlers welcome to come along too, please just let me know on the booking form so I can accommodate for extras.

As this a mainly outdoor session, please bring all weather gear for you and your baby. We encourage baby wearing along the walk to foster greater connection with your baby and as some of the paths are uneven and not suitable for buggies. Paths may be muddy or wet but every care will be taken to guide you on the safest route always and we have the option of shelter in the village hall if the weather is too much and to use the facilities.

Booking info & prices

  • Single Session: £10.00

Booking info & prices

  • Single Session: £10.00