Brilliant baby signing class with plenty of fun songs, playtime, & a hot cuppa!

  • Thursdays 10:00–11:00
  • NEXT ON: 09 May 2024

Holy Family Parish Centre Hutton Avenue, Hartlepool, Durham, TS26 9PN

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  • icon-calendar Term time only
  • icon-people 0 months - 2 years
  • icon-ticket Contact provider
  • icon-cost £6.50 - £21.00
  • icon-location-small miles from

NB: This event MUST be booked in advance. No drop-ins.


Babies can understand so much before they can talk, and you can help your baby express themselves with TinyTalk Baby Signing classes!

At a TinyTalk Baby Signing class, you will:

Discover around 6 relevant BSL signs each week, with baby-friendly class themes such as family, meal times or a trip to the farm

Sign, bounce and giggle along with action songs, stories and familiar nursery rhymes

Experience bright and beautiful sensory toys to develop listening, visual tracking and language skills

Play instruments to develop co-ordination and motor skills

Develop sharing, turn-taking and other social skills

Enjoy social time where both of you can make friends and the grown ups can have a nice hot cuppa, all in a friendly, welcoming and inclusive environment where you can relax and spend quality time together.

All class sizes are limited. Suitable for babies up to 2 years.

But won’t it delay my baby’s speech?

No – quite the opposite! Babies are encouraged to say the word as they sign, developing their vocabulary and communication skills. You'll find yourself repeating key words more frequently than you might otherwise have done and the signing means that you will be more likely to be speaking to them when baby is fully focused on you.

TinyTalk Baby Sign Language classes are structured sessions designed to introduce parents and caregivers to basic sign language vocabulary that can be used to communicate with their pre-verbal infants. These classes typically last for about an hour and often include a social time component, providing an opportunity for parents to connect with each other and share experiences.

Here's what you might expect in a TinyTalk Baby Sign Language class:

Introduction to Sign Language: The classes begin with an introduction to the concept of baby sign language and its benefits. Parents learn about the importance of early communication and how using signs can help bridge the communication gap before their child is able to speak.
Basic Signs: The core focus of the classes is teaching basic signs that are relevant to everyday activities and needs of babies. These signs often include words like "milk," "more," "eat," "drink," "sleep," "play," "book," "mom," "dad," "change," and so on. The signs are typically selected to be easy for babies to learn and for parents to remember and use consistently.
Demonstrations and Practice: Instructors demonstrate how to perform each sign, emphasizing correct handshape, movement, and context. Parents are encouraged to practice the signs along with the instructor, gaining confidence in their ability to use them with their baby.
Social Time: Many TinyTalk Baby Sign Language classes incorporate a social time component, where parents and babies have the opportunity to interact with each other in a relaxed and supportive environment. This allows parents to build connections with others who are also learning baby sign language and to share tips and experiences.
Q&A and Support: Throughout the class, there is usually time for questions and answers, allowing parents to seek clarification on any aspects of baby sign language or child development. Instructors may also provide additional resources and support to help parents integrate signing into their daily routines.
Overall, TinyTalk Baby Sign Language classes aim to empower parents with the skills and confidence to effectively communicate with their pre-verbal infants, fostering early language development and strengthening the parent-child bond.

Booking info & prices


  • Term Ticket: £6.50 (per class)
  • Block of 3: £21.00
  • Single Session: £6.50

Booking info & prices


  • Term Ticket: £6.50 (per class)
  • Block of 3: £21.00
  • Single Session: £6.50

Upcoming dates

MAY 2024
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