


Classes are designed to aid mum’s postnatal recovery whilst engaging with baby

  • Wednesdays 12:25–13:20

Albany Road Baptist Church Albany Road, Cardiff, Cardiff, CF24 3NU

(Class takes place in Main Hall)

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  • icon-calendar Fixed course dates
  • icon-people 1 month - 9 months
  • icon-ticket Contact provider
  • icon-cost £56.00
  • icon-location-small miles from

NB: This event MUST be booked in advance. No drop-ins.


Claire’s postnatal classes are specially designed to aid mum’s postnatal recovery whilst engaging, bonding and relaxing with baby. Specifically we look at helping mum to regain strength in the body, along with finding ways to open areas of tightness and find space for relaxation. In particular, we look at ways to reconnect with the body and work with it and the breath to gradually build long lasting tone, health & wellbeing. We explore postures and practices mums can do with and without their baby so they can easily continue their yoga at home.

We also include elements of Baby Yoga in the class so babies feel the benefit too! Baby Yoga helps to ease digestive issues & colic, helps babies to relax and establish better sleep, co-ordination and motor development and build their confidence through interaction with Mummy.

Classes are informal and relaxed, allowing the opportunity to feed, change, comfort or soothe your baby to sleep whenever necessary. It’s a wonderful environment to meet new mums or reconnect with old friends from our Pregnancy Yoga classes.

Yumi Yoga’s Mother and Baby Yoga classes are available to all new mums with babies aged 6 weeks to 9 months old (or pre-crawling). No previous experience of yoga is necessary.

For more information and course dates please see our website -

Booking info & prices

  • 6 Week Course: £56.00

Booking info & prices

  • 6 Week Course: £56.00
Claire Moon