Meet new friends, learn how to sing and enjoy a dose of precious ‘me time’!

What Singing Mamas says
We all have a voice and Singing Mamas invites you to use your voice with us, to make gorgeous music together and to feel great. Maybe you love singing to your favourite tunes at home? Perhaps you used to sing in a choir? Or you just want to enjoy the experience of singing with others and improve your singing ability… Singing Mamas invites you to join us each week for 90 minutes of precious ‘me-time’. Whether you’ve never sung before or are a seasoned pro, you’ll be made very welcome. There’s no ‘spotlight’, no audition, just an opportunity to forget the stresses of life, to sing for yourself, for each other and just ‘be’. Bring your baby, toddler, home schooler or come on your own – whatever works for you. It’s fun, it’s uplifting and after the singing you get to enjoy tea and cake!
Hello! I'm Emily, mum to three little ones aged 6 and under.
Like many of us, I've always loved to sing - in school assemblies, in the shower, in the car and with my children. I've tried several choirs over the years but especially since becoming a mother, I found it hard to find something which fit around my children. Even if I could get away from the bedtime routine in the evenings, I found I didn't have the time to commit to learning words or attending performances.
Enter Singing Mamas! After seeing a post about this amazing national movement for maternal well being on Facebook, I wanted to try my most local group which was a 60 mile round trip. I thought I'd just give it a go out of curiosity but we loved it so much, we kept going back. Singing with other women, many of them mothers too, in a space where our children could safely play, was so good for my mental health. I came away feeling calm, grounded, with new friends and new songs which I couldn't stop singing throughout the week. With rising petrol costs, I just wished there was one more locally, and so I took the leap and did the training myself! And here we are, I hope you can join us!