Baby Signing, Toddler Talking

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What TinyTalk says

Learn to communicate with your baby before they can speak, at an award-winning TinyTalk baby signing class. TinyTalk is for toddlers too. Our quality classes continue to develop your child’s communication skills whilst you're having a brilliant time together.


Having enjoyed TinyTalk classes as a parent and signed with my own two babies, I wanted to help other families in my area benefit in the same way.

My daughter was 3 months old when we started TinyTalk classes. This gave me a chance to learn many of the key signs myself and to incorporate them into our home routines before Lorna was actually able to sign to me. She started signing before she was 7 months though and I felt that starting early was worthwhile for us.

As I had already signed with Lorna, I started signing to my son, Cameron, as soon as he was focusing on me at a few weeks old. He was just over 5 months old when I began taking him to TinyTalk classes but was signing himself within a month of that.

I have found it really fulfilling to understand him from such an early age. Not only could he communicate to me that he wanted milk, food, a drink, or bed but I also got very early insights into what else he was aware of; he signed 'windy' to me when the trolley was stopped under the air-conditioning unit in a shop, and for months responded to my enquiries about his dirty nappies by signing 'dog'; jokingly trying to shift the blame for the smell!!!

What does your baby want to say to you?


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