Baby Signing, Toddler Talking

What TinyTalk says

Learn to communicate with your baby before they can speak, at an award-winning TinyTalk baby signing class. TinyTalk is for toddlers too. Our quality classes continue to develop your child’s communication skills whilst you're having a brilliant time together.


Hello, My name is Rosie and I am your local TinyTalk teacher.
I am a mama to 2 gorgeous girls and a fur baby (simba the cat!)
At TinyTalk North Norfolk I run 2 of the programmes suitable for newborns all the way through to preschoolers & we have spaces!
💜 Our Baby Signing classes can be joined from birth. These lessons are differentiated to include different developmental stages. We cover a number of core BSL based signs each week, along with some additional signs, linked to the weekly theme. Each term is different so you can continue until you go back to work or progress to the next Toddler classes. Basic signs are covered & you can be join at any point in the term.

🧡 ToddlerTalking sessions are for the movers & groovers and you can join with no previous signing experience. In these much more active classes we teach signs to support your TinyTalker's growing communication skills. We focus on listening & saying the words as well as showing little ones signs which supports their learning while clarifying their growing vocabulary & reducing their frustration. We work on higher level concepts such as counting, colours & opposites, which means this class is suitable from 18 months old until your little one starts school.

In all our classes we help to develop little ones’ language through our multisensory approach using songs, sensory & language activities & games, engaging and developing both sides of the brain & have dedicated social support time at the end to get to know other parents.

Rosie Gilding

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