Baby Signing, Toddler Talking

What TinyTalk says

Learn to communicate with your baby before they can speak, at an award-winning TinyTalk baby signing class. TinyTalk is for toddlers too. Our quality classes continue to develop your child’s communication skills whilst you're having a brilliant time together.


Hello everyone, I’m Penny, and I am the TinyTalk Baby Signing Teacher in the South Leicester and Market Harborough area. I am a mum of two and I truly believe that being able to communicate with your baby from such a young age, by learning how to sign really is an invaluable skill and at TinyTalk it’s really fun and enjoyable to learn too.

Baby Signing to me, means happy calm babies, which is basically what we all want for our children isn’t it and of course, in turn that makes for calmer and happier parents. Understanding what your baby needs makes parenting feel just that little bit easier. Wouldn't it be amazing if YOUR baby could tell YOU when they are hungry, tired or just need a cuddle from their Mummy! Join the Fun and Book a Class now.

Penny Hollins

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