Hi, I'm Alice I help you rebuild strength and energy after birth

What Yoga With Alice Blazy-Winning says

It was when I was pregnant with of my first child in 2011 that I experienced the truly transformational benefits of Yoga, despite having practiced on and off for many years before. I was faced with some difficult decisions after a routine test indicated possible health issues with my baby. Yoga and Hypnobirthing helped me accept my unborn child just as he or she was, and developed trust in my body's ability to grow and birth my baby (like many first-time mums I was terrified of birth!). This sense of trust and acceptance empowered me to plan a natural birth at home. Today, my yoga practice and the techniques keep me grounded and calm amidst the challenges of balancing work and life with a young family! Practising yoga during pregnancy and motherhood is one of the most nourishing and supportive things you can do during this period of intense change. Postnatally, yoga helps rebuild physical strength following birth and empowers you to tap into inner resources enabling you to meet the challenges of life with a new baby so you can move through you day with more energy and ease.

  • Alice Blazy-Winning

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