The Sporters Way

What Young Sporters says

Here at Young Sporters we feel proud and passionate about everyone that coaches and wears the badge. Not only that we sing on the same song sheet and adhere to the Young Sporters way.

Fun and Basics: We emphasise the fun aspect of the game. Keep the activities and drills simple, focusing on basic skills like dribbling, passing, and ball control.
Short Sessions: Children have shorter attention spans, in comparison to adults. Keep training sessions brief and engaging. Short, frequent breaks can help maintain their interest.
Small-Sided Games: Utilise small-sided games (3v3 or 4v4) to allow more touches on the ball for each player. This encourages more active participation and involvement.
Positive Reinforcement: Always offering positive reinforcement and praise for effort rather than just outcomes. Encourage a positive and supportive atmosphere.
Variety of Activities: Include a variety of activities to cater to different interests and learning styles. Use games, drills, and small challenges to keep things interesting.
Safety First: Ensure a safe playing environment. Using age-appropriate equipment and emphasise fair play and good sportsmanship.
Parental Involvement: Encourage parents to be supportive and positive spectators. Their involvement can contribute to a positive and encouraging atmosphere for the children.
Skill Development: While keeping it fun, start introducing basic football skills. Focus on developing a love for the game rather than intense competition.
Communication: Keep communication simple and clear. Use language that is easy for children to understand.
Celebrate Progress: Celebrate the small achievements and progress made by each player. This helps build confidence and a sense of accomplishment.

Young Sporters

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